Case Studies in Tuckerton, NJ

Multiple Spaces Between Teeth

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before and after dental treatment


Dr. S., a practicing dentist and an instructor at Baylor University Dental School, had spaces between his teeth. He attempted to correct his smile in dental school, but was unable to find a satisfactory solution.

After reviewing an ongoing study (19+ years) demonstrating Cerinate to be long lasting with no pop-offs or discolorations, Dr. S. decided it was fine to be a patient.

Dr. S.’s lifelong gaps were closed by placing 3 Cerinate Lumineers, with no removal of sensitive tooth structure, which matched the shade of Dr. S.’s existing teeth perfectly. Dr. S.’s painless new smile makeover was certainly worth traveling 3,600 miles for.

before and after dental treatment


“The greatest advantage, in most cases, is that a Cerinate smile can be created in only two dental visits. The color match was perfect and there was no pain during the placement.” –Dr. J.S.

Stained, Crooked Teeth

before and after dental treatment


The patient was becoming increasingly concerned about his discolored and crooked teeth. He had always practiced good oral hygiene and was unable to remove the stains, no matter what he tried.

Fourteen Cerinate Lumineers (eight upper and six lower) were placed with no sensitive tooth reduction, no anesthetic, and no temporaries required.

before and after dental treatment


“During the entire procedure I was relaxed and confident about my new smile. There was no discomfort. Afterwards, there was no adjustments. The Lumineers felt like my real teeth. I will recommend Cerinate Lumineers to all of my family, friends, and co-workers.” –D.K.

Stained, Chipped Smile

before and after dental treatment


The patient was self-conscious about her smile. She wanted her teeth to look like they did when she was younger. She needed to improve the shape and shade of her teeth. Her dentist placed six Cerinate Lumineers without any shots or drilling. The patient was ecstatic with her new smile, and had no pain during the procedure.

before and after dental treatment


“Lumineers immediately enhanced my life and boosted my self-confidence. My co-workers say my new smile lights up in the office. Best of all, my teeth don’t feel sensitive, and I don’t notice the Lumineers at all. Thank you all at Cerinate for the amazing makeover!”–S.H.

Attractive Smile Made Dramatically More Beautiful

before and after dental treatment


The patient had an attractive smile. Orthodontia had corrected a space between her front teeth, but left spaces between others. Her dentist placed composite bonding to hide the spaces, however the restorations were easily chipped and needed continual upkeep. The patient wanted a permanent solution to correct the spaces.

Eight Cerinate Lumineers were placed without the removal of any tooth structure, and in only forty minutes.

before and after dental treatment


The patient’s statement reveals why she selected Cerinate Lumineers for her smile makeover.

“I was tired of my bonding chipping, leaving spaces between my teeth. After seeing several other Cerinate cases, I wanted a smile just like theirs – with no pain. Cerinate was the right choice. A new smile in only 40 minutes!” –K.E.

Spaced Teeth

before and after dental treatment


The patient had been through braces twice and years of retainers and was never able to fully close his middle gap. After reading about Lumineers, he visited his dentist who determined he would be a perfect candidate. His dentist placed 8 Lumineers on his front teeth with absolutely no painful reduction in tooth structure. The patient experienced no pain or discomfort and was very pleased with the results.

before and after dental treatment


” I have gone through my life very self conscious about my teeth and my smile. From an early age I had an extremely large gap between my teeth. I have been through braces twice and wore retainers for many years. A couple of months ago I had Lumineers placed on my front teeth and guess what…I had an instant, beautiful smile! I was amazed with the results and to top it off, the procedure only took about 40 minutes. My mother and fiancé still comment to this day how much my smile has improved. All in all, I am very pleased with the results. The only dissatisfaction I have is that I did not do this sooner! It now feels good to smile and have perfect teeth without the maintenance of a retainer or braces!” –B.F.

Small & Misshaped Teeth

before and after dental treatment


Patient is a professional model and often did not get jobs because of her smile. She wanted to make her teeth more aligned and beautiful. After visiting her dentist and determining she was an ideal candidate, eight Lumineers were placed in less than 45 minutes. There was no removal of sensitive tooth structure, no shots, and the patient experienced no pain.

before and after dental treatment


” I can’t believe I didn’t do it before. It only took two dental visits and was so quick, painless, and easy. It’s really opened up a lot of doors for me. A lot of clients have started to pay attention and they can’t figure out exactly what it is yet. There’s a huge difference in the way I was smiling before and the way I am smiling now. I feel like this is a brand new me, and I can’t help but smile and show everyone. This is something I’m really happy with, I can’t believe that nobody’s done this before or thought of it sooner.”

Misshaped and Stained

before and after dental treatment


The patient was unhappy with her two front top teeth, as she felt they gave her the appearance of a “rabbit”. She never knew there was a painless way to get them fixed, and she did not want metal braces. After her dentist told her about LUMINEERS, she couldn’t wait to get them placed. Her dentist placed eight LUMINEERS without removing painful tooth structure or giving the patient any shots or drilling. She was very happy with the results.

before and after dental treatment


“My front top laterals turned in and I felt that this gave me the appearance of a rabbit. Your smile is the first impression you make, and your teeth make all the difference. This past summer, I was going to Florida for a family reunion, and I wanted my LUMINEERS before I went. I didn’t tell anyone I was getting them, and was very pleased when they noticed. The English tend to not care for their teeth as well as the Americans, and my aunt from England was visiting…her teeth are not attractive! I really noticed this time. The process itself was so simple and painless! In 45 minutes I had a new smile. They feel like my own teeth and appear very natural. I am extremely happy with my new LUMINEERS!” –J.B.

Misaligned Teeth

before and after dental treatment


After years of braces, the patient was never totally happy with the results. When his dentist told him about LUMINEERS and that he would not need to have his teeth shaved down, he couldn’t wait to get the procedure done. He had eight LUMINEERS placed with no pain or shots

before and after dental treatment


“I wanted to take the time to write this letter after having my smile improved with new LUMINEERS BY CERINATE. I had always wanted to do something to make my smile more esthetic but was afraid of the pain. After my first appointment and seeing how much better some other people’s smiles looked, I knew LUMINEERS were the best solution for me. Much like other patients, I had always associated the dentist with pain so I was a little reluctant at first. When I visited the office I was pleasantly surprised at how fast the whole process was completed. I had imagined all sorts of pain, shots, drilling, and agony. My new smile has helped me both professionally and personally, I feel more confident and I love my new LUMINEERS smile.” –C.S.

Renewing Old Dental Work

before and after dental treatment


K.U. had a crown put in over 10 years ago and hadn’t been back since because of his fear of pain. He hated his smile because of the unsightly crown that didn’t match the rest of his teeth. After persuasion from a friend, he visited a dentist who told him he could get LUMINEERS placed over his existing crown without having to remove it. The patient absolutely loves his new smile and can’t believe he waited so long to get it done.

before and after dental treatment


“After several unpleasant and painful experiences with dentists, I was fearful of any dental work and, in fact, had not been to a dentist’s office in almost 10 years. After watching another patient being fitted with LUMINEERS BY CERINATE, I decided to have my own set and was pleasantly surprised at how easy and, more importantly, pain-free, the process was. With no shots or drilling, I now have a perfect smile for years to come and my faith in the dental profession has been restored. My only regret is that I did not have this done sooner.” –K.U.

From Good to Beautiful

before and after dental treatment


K.H. is an actress and is actively involved in community theatre and the local performing arts center. Although she had an attractive smile, when she saw the ad for LUMINEERS, she knew her smile could be even better. Because there was no pain or shots and it could be done in only 2 visits, she wanted to make her smile gorgeous.

before and after dental treatment


“After several unpleasant and painful experiences with dentists, I was fearful of any dental work and, in fact, had not been to a dentist’s office in almost 10 years. After watching another patient being fitted with LUMINEERS BY CERINATE, I decided to have my own set and was pleasantly surprised at how easy and, more importantly, pain-free, the process was. With no shots or drilling, I now have a perfect smile for years to come and my faith in the dental profession has been restored. My only regret is that I did not have this done sooner.” –K.U.

Crooked and Stained

before and after dental treatment


As a prominent lawyer in the community, he decided to run for political office. With all of the photographs, press conferences, and meetings, J.R. felt self-conscious about his smile. He knew that a whiter, more attractive smile would make him look more approachable and confident in the public eye. After hearing about LUMINEERS, he knew these were the choice for him as he did not want a long or painful process.

before and after dental treatment


“Without any pain my teeth were straightened, whitened and my smile came to life. I kept waiting for it to hurt, but it never did. I smile all the time now.” –J.R.

Fanged Teeth

before and after dental treatment


When the patient was offered the opportunity to straighten and permanently whiten her teeth with Cerinate LUMINEERS, she accepted. She had seen new Cerinate smiles on colleagues and had read Cerinate success stories and case reports.

Some considerations had to be made for an uneven bite, but the patient experienced no pain during the placement of eight LUMINEERS. She was comfortable during the entire procedure.

before and after dental treatment


“I am now a walking example of a beautiful LUMINEERS BY CERINATE smile. Every time I visit my son, his dental student friends want another look. And, best of all, my son was able to view the entire procedure.” –T.S.

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